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Roasted green chickpeas one of the most delicious and healthy middle eastern snacks.
roasted green chickpeas

Green chickpeas, or as they known fresh garbanzo beans, are one of the most delicious and healthy middle eastern summer snacks, and it’s my very favorite snack too. I can’t believe when my husband called asking if I want some, he was shopping at a middle eastern food store here in the city when he saw them, it’s the first time I saw them here in the states, I guess they bought them from Mexico or may be California.

My memory about these healthy beauties, back in my country Palestine, where we used to buy them from street venders or some times from traveling trucks, we all gather around to help take off the shelled beans from their branches, then waiting while they grilled to enjoy eating them, their smoky flavor was wonderful.

The best way I can remember to cook them is roasted or grilled, charring gives them a nice smoky flavor, they taste nutty sweet with a hint of edame. The raw chickpeas taste like raw peas. But, when over cook them they taste like over cooked lima beans.

roasted green chickpeas

Also, they can be cooked and enjoyed in many ways, as a snack or in a salad or mashed as hummus. You can steam them, grill them, fry them, bake them, microwave them, pan charred or even eat them raw.

Fresh green chickpeas have lots of health benefits. They are a good source of protein, magnesium, and iron, helps lower cholesterol, and blood pressure, and they are good for your heart.

Oven Roasted Green Chickpeas

1. Preheat the oven at 325 f.
2. Wash the beans with in their shells, and just spread them out on a roasting pan in a single layer, with salt. Cook for about 55 minutes or until browned, stirring occasionally to even up the browning.
3. Eat like edame, popping out of the shell into your mouth.

roasted green chickpeas

roasted green chickpeas